New year = New things!

Lots have happened since our last post. Things have been hectic, to say the least!

Let me start by saying we have put over 16,000 miles on the camper in 2017!!! And I can only see things getting more go-go-go…

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My Idea of Family

We’ve had a lot going on the past couple of months. We went through some really personal stuff that I’m not going to discuss publicly, we’ve been bouncing around with work, and it’s just been an emotional time overall. What I am going to talk about is how living on the road, being in the tall tower industry specifically, gives you a different perspective on family. I’m specifying tall towers as opposed to cell towers because the industry is so small in comparison, and it’s what we do. It’s how we live.

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Work, play, and more work!

I left off with a post before the Super Bowl. I can’t believe it’s been that long! But we’ve been busy, each in our own way…

The Xenia job was a mess from the start so what was supposed to take 2 weeks, actually took 5! We stayed at Frontier Campground in Waynesville, Ohio for the 2nd time. Waynesville is about an hour from our hometown, so we had our friends come up for a night to hang out. That was a blast!

We’ve all been friends for about 20 years! (Katie, me, Allen, Brandi)

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Thanksgiving Dinner in an RV 

Thanksgiving dinner was a success! When we went shopping, we were planning on it only being Allen and I for dinner.  Obviously we bought WAY too much food because we wound up feeding 4 adults & 4 kids… with leftovers!

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Planning a Thanksgiving Dinner in an RV

I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for myself and Allen last year in our camper (in North Dakota) and I plan to do it even better this year! 

We didn’t do too bad! 

The main challenge lies in the planning stage. Continue reading

Living on Site

It really kind of annoys me when people start out blog posts apologizing for not posting recently so I won’t do that. I know I haven’t, if you follow our blog then you know too, and to be completely honest, I was busy trying my best to help my friend so I’m not really sorry.

After we did our trek from San Francisco, back east across the country in July, staying mostly for free on BLM land and at truck stops, I sort of despise paying rent. Continue reading

Meet the newest member of our family: Eustace!

We were lucky enough to welcome Eustace into our family last night! He’s about 10 weeks old, super tiny, snuggly, and full of energy! Continue reading

About Us


Hi! We’re Rachel & Allen and we live full time in our 2015 Grand Design Momentum 385 fifth wheel toy hauler.  We travel the country for Allen’s work, often only having a couple days notice of where we need to be next. And we love it!



Allen, Rachel and Charlie

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Moving On… In more ways than one

Yesterday we left Steamboat Bend Campground in Cincinnati after 4 nights. We got to see family and hang out with some friends. It’s never long enough, but at least we got to go home before Christmas, even if it was just for a couple days… Continue reading